Free Whitepaper

How Live Blogs Help You Tell Stories in Real Time

Are live blogs even still relevant? And how can you earn money with them? Find out in this whitepaper. 

Whitepaper How Live Blogs Help You Tell Stories in Real Time

What role do live blogs serve in the evolving news industry?  

With TikTok and other (live) content technologies on the rise, what does a live blog even have to offer to media and publishing houses who want to engage their audiences, boost their reach, and increase their revenue?  

Quite a bit, actually.  

After many years of working closely with the news industry, Tickaroo has gained numerous insights into the world of live publishing and digital storytelling.  

Storytelling is all about curating information in such a way that engages, informs, and captivates audiences. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with new information, live blogs enable you to do just that. 

If you’re wondering... 

What kinds of stories can be told with live blogs?  

How do you tell an engaging story in an age where brevity is key? 

Why do readers lose interest in a story? How do I not let this happen? 

How can live blogs help my company increase its revenue? 

...then this whitepaper is for you! 


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