Tickaroo Live Blog Support

Let us answer any questions you have about liveblogging, our software, and much more.

Can’t find the answer to your question in our FAQ below?

We’d be happy to answer it via email or web call. Fill out this form to get started.

Tickaroo Live Blog FAQs

Here you can find answers to common questions about Tickaroo Live Blog.

How Do I Get Started?

How do I get a Tickaroo account?

First, you'll need to create a Tickaroo Account and Organization. Once you've done this, you'll land on your organization's Live Blog Dashboard. 
You do not have to enter any billing information when registering but will receive a 14-day free trial period.

How can I book a Tickaroo Live Blog package?

If you have created a free trial, you can see how much time is left at the top of your dashboard. Click on "Upgrade Live Blog" to get an overview of our different prices & packages. The next step is to select your desired package and enter your payment information. If you would like to know more about the different packages in advance or would like to create a customized Enterprise Package, please contact our Support Team

Does Tickaroo offer demo calls, a helpdesk, or tutorial videos?

Yes! We offer all of the above.

Demo Calls
Contact our Support or your Tickaroo contact person to arrange a demo call. Together, we will examine all the topics relevant to you and your team and show you around the Tickaroo Live Blog software. 

Tickaroo Live Blog Helpdesk
We have a Tickaroo Live Blog Helpdesk where you find answers to the following topics:

  • What can I find on the home page of my organization (dashboard, live blogs, statistics, marketplace, sports data)?
  • What settings can I control within my organization? (users, integration, tag templates, live blog categories)
  • How do I create and edit live blogs? (scheduling, deleting, rearranging, hiding posts)
  • What can I find in the menu bar of my Live Blog Editor? 
  • What features does the Tickaroo Live Blog Editor have? (commenting, polls, multi-reporter mode, guest access, content streams, highlight summary)
  • and much more ...  

    If you want to check out the Tickaroo Live Blog Helpdesk, click here.  

YouTube Tutorials

Here are our most popular tutorial videos: 

Live Blog Features
Live Blog Tutorials 
Live Blog Webinars

Cancellation Questions

Can I cancel my Live Blog subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your Advanced or Professional subscription on a monthly basis in your settings under Prices & Packages if you have booked via Stripe.

If you have a customized package and receive invoices from our accounting department, you can cancel your subscription anytime
. However, the contract will only be terminated at the end of the contract period. In this case, please contact your Tickaroo contact person.

What will happen to my On Demand credits after canceling my subscription?

If you wish to delete your Tickaroo account but still have Live Blog credits remaining from your On Demand subscription, these credits will expire and cannot be refunded.

If you decide to temporarily pause the use of Tickaroo, your On Demand live blog credits will remain in your organization and will not expire. 

What will happen to my Tickaroo account after canceling my subscription?

If you cancel your Tickaroo subscription, your live blogs will no longer be displayed on your website after the contract period ends. However, your account and your previously created live blogs will be unaffected, and you will continue to have access to your Tickaroo organization.

If you want to delete your account completely, please contact our Support Team.

Basic Integration Questions

How do I integrate live blogs into my website?

With our widgets, you can embed your live blogs into your website in just a few steps:

  1. Copy the Widget Code into the source code of your website or application.
  2. Replace the Live Blog ID with the ID of your live blog.
  3. Configure your theme to customize the appearance without having to do any programming.

For a flawless integration, check out our EmbedJS documentation or ask us directly via support@tickaroo.com.

Can I change the layout & design of my live blog within the Tickaroo Live Blog editor?

Tickaroo allows you to create your own liveblog themes within the Tickaroo user interface.

Choose your customized theme and generate your widget code, which you can then integrate into your website. 

Engagement Questions

Why is engagement important for my live blog?

Engagement is intended to create a positive experience for your readers and your coverage so that they will remember it fondly and be more inclined to return to your brand in the future. 

In addition, integrating interesting content can increase the media time on your website, as your readers enjoy interacting with the content and thus voluntarily keep the tab with your live blog open for longer. These higher retention rates increase the opportunity for more ad revenue.

What third party content providers can I use to increase engagement in my live blog?

All the third party providers and content partners we list here or that provide their content within an iframe can be used as inspiration and integrated directly into your Tickaroo Live Blog.

Should one of your favorite content providers not be listed here, please contact us at support@tickaroo.com and we can see if we can take special steps to add them into our third-party content library. 

  • APA
  • Apester
  • Brightcove
  • Datawrapper
  • dpa
  • Facebook
  • Flourish
  • Glomex
  • Infogram
  • Instagram
  • Involve.me
  • Opinary
  • Pinpoll
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • TikTok
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • YouTube

How do I use Tickaroo's Live-Comment Function to increase engagement?

Your readers appreciate it when you not only inform them about a topic in your live blog but also ask them directly for their opinion.

With Tickaroo's comment function, you actively involve your readers in discussions surrounding the news and connect with them in real-time. This increases reader engagement and builds trust in your coverage. 

To see how Stuff uses comments to interact with their readers click here. 

Monetization Questions

How can I support revenue streams with Tickaroo Live Blog?

Finding new sources of income is imperative, especially in the news sector. Live blogs are not only a great interactive format for engaging with audiences but also hold lucrative potential.

With their high click and long retention rates, live blogs offer several monetization opportunities. You can read more about these opportunities in our whitepaper: How to Create Revenue Streams in a World of Free Content. 

Is integrating ads directly into my live blog a good idea?

Yes! In the case of longer live blogs, more display ads can be placed without overwhelming the reader compared to conventional articles. Due to the diverse format, video ads can also be placed within the live blog to capture readers' attention easily. However, be careful not to overload your live blogs with ads. And be sure to avoid ads on sensitive topics to keep the focus on the latest news.

You can still earn ad revenue without including ads within the live blog itself by recruiting. You can offer your live blog with an advertising partner or event sponsor. Unobtrusive inserts such as "This blog is presented by..." do not disrupt the user experience but guarantee high visibility for sponsors or cooperation partners due to their continuous presence.

More information on monetization can be found in our whitepaper, How to Create Revenue Streams in a World of Free Content. 

Can I sell my Tickaroo live blogs?

Yes! In the Tickaroo Marketplace you can offer your live blogs to other publishers for a fee. This not only generates lucrative revenue, but also acts as a multiplier and increases the visibility of the live blog enormously.

Technical Questions

Is there a Tickaroo Live Blog App?

Yes. You can download the free Tickaroo Live Blog App for iOS and Android in your App Stores.

The App has the same look, intuitive user interface, and functionalities and features as the Tickaroo Web App. This means you can create and edit the same live blog on the scene and in the newsroom. 

google-play-download-badge@3x  apple-download-badge@3x

Where can I find the Tickaroo Developer Documentation?

Check out our Developer Documentation, for more technical details concerning Tickaroo Liveblog, Embed JS, our API, AMP, other SEO features, and more!

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