
The Media Revolutions and their Impact on Journalism Today


In this article originally published in Business Express Tickaroo's CEO Naomi Owusu shares her thoughts on ways that publishers can leverage the digital and mobile revolutions to reach new and current audiences more effectively.
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Name of the article:


What's this article about? 

Naomi explores how the social, mobile, and digital revolutions have each affected the publishing world in the last 20 years. But she doesn't just look to the past, she also explains how journalists can leverage new mediums and formats that seek to highlight specific, interactive content to better engage with audiences, especially the ever elusive Gen Z. Finally, she addresses various avenues that publishing houses are using to increase their revenue streams including the monetisation of content, including liveblogs. 

Here are some of our favourite quotes: 

"While storytelling has always been an innovator’s game and the boundaries of genre exist to be broken, latest media technologies are unleashing some fascinating surprises, creating exciting cultural norms and opportunities whilst shaping dominant narratives in a way never before seen. Still, the need to maintain a critical eye on developing cultural forces is as important as ever, particularly in cases where fake news and deceptive framing is operative."
" While the uncertainty of the pandemic produced a lift in audiences for journalism throughout the globe, many publishers remain increasingly reliant on digital advertising. The question now is how to get ahead and how to profit in this digital world, particularly as the value of exclusivity remains key for publishers. Indeed, solutions like liveblogs are being embraced because they speak to evolving user needs and expectations." 
"Social media has become the go-to reporting platform for breaking new stories in real-time covering important world events, and whilst it has certainly increased the speed and ease at which information is spread, it has at the same time made the dissemination of fake news all the more rampant. This is why we need to rely more on live news blogs from reputable media outlets for news consumption as they are far more likely to be credible news sources that maintain the integrity of great journalism in an online world where the lines between fiction and reality are becoming increasingly blurred."

For more insights, check out the full article here!

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