Why Use Tickaroo Live Blog?

Tickaroo Live Blog software is easy to use, simple to monetize, stable in high traffic, and boosts engagement!

Benefits page (6)

Live Blog
Boosts Engagement

Increase audience engagement with the features designed for encouraging interaction.

4 Ways to Interact Directly with Your Audiences


Use Live Commenting Blocks

Communicate with readers directly by asking open-ended questions or enabling readers to react to specific events. Monitor, moderate, and manage comments with our crisp interface. 


Poll Your Audience

Gain reader insights in seconds. Adjust your storytelling to reflect your audience's interests based on this interactive feedback. 


Integrate Quizzes

According to the Center for Media Engagement, quizzes help increase retention rates, and audiences enjoy consuming fact-checked news more in this format than basic factual information. 


Add User-Generated Content

Enable your readers to participate in your coverage. Demonstrate the value you give to your audience's lived experience, and utilize their contributions to develop new story directions. 


comments on a single live blog.

How Stuff Made It Happen

Westfälische Nachrichten Logo. They are a live-blogging client of Tickaroo. “The reach is huge. Honestly, the topic is no longer as “popular” as it was, and it still receives incredible reach.”
Carsten Vogel's Avatar Picture
Carsten Vogel
Digital Strategy Lead, Westfälische Nachrichten

Live Blog is Rock Solid

Our high-performance live coverage software is stable when your traffic spikes.

Our clients' US election liveblogs gathered 10M unique views and 70K views per minute during the 2020 US Election.

Our Liveblogging software experienced 0 disruptions.

During the 2020 US Election, our clients' live blogs amassed almost 10 Million unique views and averaged almost 70,000 views per minute. Despite this high traffic load, our liveblogging software experienced zero disruptions.


posts in WN's Covid-19 live blog

Learn more about Tickaroo Live Blog's Performance

Tickaroo client Westfaellische Nachrichten logo “It is (still) very very very performant”.
Carsten Vogel
Carsten Vogel
Digital Strategy Lead, Westfälische Nachrichten
Tickaroo's client Stears logo

“Above all else, we wanted a tool that could help us achieve our ambitious traffic targets. Tickaroo’s software could help increase our search engine visibility thanks to several enhancements, including the ability to fetch and insert structured Schema.org data server side. We could not find this feature among other tools/software we evaluated.

The more we engaged with the Tickaroo support and engineering team, they demonstrated they were genuinely interested in our success.”

Profile Pic Yvette Uloma Dimiri
Yvette Uloma Dimiri
Director, Stears Insights
Tickaroo Pictures-15
Get a Demo or Try Our Software for Free

Boost Your Live Coverage Now

Live Blog is Simple to Monetize

From ads to sponsorships and affiliate links, live blogs are the perfect format to monetize your coverage.

Live blogs increase retention times

Longer media time
= higher ad revenue.

Live blogs experience more than 8x longer retention times compared to conventional articles. This longer media time often means higher ad revenue.

Tickaroo's client Unternehmensgruppe Aschendorff logo “We determined that this method had significant effects. These ads were seen, and our subscription numbers increased through liveblogging.”
Aschendorff Group

Live Blog is Easy to Use

We build quality technology, so your team can focus on the story.

US Elections live blog on a phone and in the editor on a laptop
Tickaroo Client The Reporter logo “Using Tickaroo makes curation effortless, and it also provides a user-friendly interface for the audience so that they can enjoy a great reading experience.“
Avatar profile (1)
Ivory Chia
Product Manager, The Reporter Cultural Foundation (Taiwan)
Tickaroo client Sueddeutsche Zeitung logo “With Tickaroo, we provide our readers with SZ-quality journalism in real-time! The simple integration of media, other embeds, and highlight posts enables us to provide an organized overview at all times, even in highly dynamic news situations. The user-friendly editor is very popular among our journalists - with both reporters in the field and editors in the newsroom.”
Profile Picture Michael Koenig
Michael Koenig
Managing Editor, Sueddeutsche Zeitung
Tickaroo Client Freie Presse logo “The technology just works. The apps are easy to use and work well. The editors in the newsroom just have to focus on the storytelling.”
David Hagenbaeumer from Freie Presse
David Hagenbaeumer
Former Digital Lead, Freie Presse