Tagged posts are organised posts – help your readers to easily navigate even the most confusing of narratives.

Despite the second presidential debate being cancelled after Trump contracted COVID-19, both candidates made an appearance at separate town hall events instead. While these events certainly weren’t debates, they were still important chances for both Biden and Trump to address voters. The only tricky thing about events like these, is how to report on them concurrently.
Instead of listing off the many (many) features* that we know make our liveblogs ideally suited for election events like debates, town halls, or concession speeches, we’ve chosen to highlight one in particular. With a standard liveblog, entries are written, posted, and organised by their timestamp.
However, there’s an additional way as well and it’s unique to Tickaroo Live Blog: our custom tag template. Before the liveblog is set up, an editor can select to create their own “Custom Template” for news. This allows them to choose event-specific tags that, which when selected, appear wit h every blog entry. For example, Biden, Trump, president-elect, Inauguration or COVID-19 could be possible tags. Single or multiple tags can be chosen for blog entries which helps to visually organise them. The tags can also be selected in a drop-down filter menu so that a reader can quickly search and find all entries that are relevant for a specific topic.
However, there’s an additional way as well and it’s unique to Tickaroo Live Blog: our custom tag template. Before the liveblog is set up, an editor can select to create their own “Custom Template” for news. This allows them to choose event-specific tags that, which when selected, appear wit h every blog entry. For example, Biden, Trump, president-elect, Inauguration or COVID-19 could be possible tags. Single or multiple tags can be chosen for blog entries which helps to visually organise them. The tags can also be selected in a drop-down filter menu so that a reader can quickly search and find all entries that are relevant for a specific topic.
If the lead-up to November 3rd is any indication of how it will be until January 20th, it’s clear that news stories are going to be anything but standard and formulaic election pieces. What is certain is that liveblog with custom tags for reporting on all of the national events, will be a sure-fire way to keep the story straight and readers informed.
* A few reasons why we kno w that our app is the perfect medium for covering elections or other live events includes (but isn’t limited to 😉):
1. Scalable and stable hosting that accommodates even the highest of traffic
2. Reliable editor-friendly software
3. Multi-reporter functionality
4. A handy editor function (that saves new entries to be published by an editor)
5. WYSIWYG editor
6. Drag & Drop for images and videos
7. High-speed cloud performance
8. Statistics
9. Customisable Embed JS integration
10. SEO (including AMP & HTML Prefetch and schema.org)
11. Custom tags
12. A trusty mobile app with offline functionality
13. An integrated social search
14. Seamless inclusion of thi
rd-party content
15. Custom ads and more!
Try out all these features and more with our FREE 14 day trial!