Image source: Friedrich Bungert
"Live blogs uniquely highlight the SZ's strengths. With this format, readers receive impressions from our on-site reporters and correspondents while the news is breaking. Live blogs enable news to be shared with audiences while other in-depth reports, reportage, or commentaries on the event are prepared. In a sense, they show storytelling in the making."
Captivating real-time reporting through storytelling

New ways to recycle content

"Here, our experienced colleagues at the news desk can illuminate to readers how they analyze, arrange, and continually re-construct the news story."
Easy usability for dynamic coverage
"With Tickaroo, we provide our readers with SZ-quality journalism in real-time! The simple integration of media, other embeds, and highlight posts enables us to provide an organized overview at all times, even in highly dynamic news situations. The user-friendly editor is very popular among our journalists - with both reporters in the field and editors in the newsroom."
The user-friendly editor lets journalists share breaking news in real-time, regardless of location. The SZ's Nine-Euro Ticket live blog is the perfect example of this. In this traffic experiment, journalists traveled by train and shared their experience live throughout Germany.
The flip-side of live reporting which can’t be ignored are the benefits the format has for consumers as well. Live blog real-time reporting allows readers to follow events from the comfort of their own homes and receive information and updates on their mobile devices. Particularly in the case of political events, people often scour the internet to read up on the most important positions, demands and resolutions. Instead of having your audiences sift through Google search results, summarize all this information for readers in a live blog - like the SZ did in its live blog for the 2021 Bundestag Election TV Debate.
Reliable in All Situations
In events like these, every second counts and the liveblogging technology must be fail-safe and easy to use. That's why regular exchanges with our customers are important to us in order to meet their requirements. The SZ also appreciates this:
"In our search for a liveblogging tool for the SZ, we emphasized user-friendliness, reliability, and speed. We also wanted to be able to check and edit entries thoroughly before publication. Tickaroo fully satisfied all these criteria."
What we can learn from the SZ
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